It is written, "As surely as I live," says the Lord, "every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God." - Romans 14:11
New in this letter – for those of you able to open links, we have provided links to sites and people that are referenced in this letter in case you want more information. They are underlined and in blue
Praise Updates:
1. Services Last Week - More salvations to report in Massachusetts! a Prophecy Conference on Saturday blessed people so much for their present and future hope and two Sunday services netted a great harvest of souls. Many people were added to the Kingdom and many more took care of business with the Lord through the incredibly vibrant prayer ministry. Dennis shared so many wonderful and poignant stories of people coming to the Lord when he got back! His face was shining as he related his experiences. One precious soul had never been to church before in her life and was convinced that the Lord wanted nothing to do with her but through His divine Grace, she is all His now! Another precious child at the tender age of 12 showed a commitment that all adults should envy and try to copy. At another service, people came to the altar bringing their sins that put Jesus on the cross. Out of all the movies Dennis took with him, he only brought back 10! Thank you so much for your prayers for Christian media. It is truly taking the wind out of the enemy’s plans to deceive people. We are also thrilled to report that 11 children were sponsored with World Vision.
2. Sydney Film Trip – This is shaping up really well – we want to praise the Lord for Josh Reid of Earl Street Pictures who has been so helpful. He is a Christian actor and radio host in Sydney. Attached to this email are a couple of blurbs he sent us in mp3, we just have to share with you his wonderful personality and enthusiasm. Those of you who can’t open up an attachment, just click This Link to hear. Dennis has lodging with Jason Blaiklock and Josh Reid while there. Josh is taking Dennis to a rugby game on Saturday night, his first ever!
3. The God of Hope Project is also shaping up and Dennis met with Dave Illingworth this week here in Albuquerque to firm up his part in the production that will be performed live and on film in Ft. Wayne, IN. Please click on this link to learn more about this project. Dennis will be playing the part of Moses! We are so excited about it.
3. Heidi Geoff of World Vision is the videographer who accompanied us on the trip to Nicaragua in March. She just completed the DCM video of Dennis and Wendy and it is posted on YouTube; you can click on the link to see it. We are so blessed by Heidi’s artistic sensitivity to the children and our opportunity to share in this way.
Prayer Needs For This Week & Next Week:
1. Continued prayer for the new Narrow Gate Theatre production of "My Wonderful Coma" , we are planning another general reading next week, Monday 4/26 at 7pm, Sandia Baptist Church.
2. Please continue to pray for the upcoming trip to Australia for filming the movie "Job". Dennis has one dates for Sunday May 2nd to do the book of James. He will also be shooting The Book of James later that afternoon compliments of Josh Reid. Please thank the Lord for Josh Reid and please also pray for Jason Blaiklock who is producing and directing the movie. Please pray that Dennis will find time to learn his part of the movie "Job".
3. The premier screening of the movie Dennis was in, "Suing the Devil", will be on Thurs. May 13th in Los Angeles at the Darryl F. Zanuck Theatre, Fox Studios, 10201 W Pico Boulevard and Dennis and Wendy plan to be there!
Below is the schedule for the rest of April and all of May – Please help us get out in front of these events by having them all soaked in prayer, Click to view out full schedule. Also, please pray for more dates for May and the rest of the year too! Each time we make a new date we know it is because the Lord is faithful and hears our prayers.
April 25, Sun. 10:30am - Desert Light Brethren In Christ Church, Albuquerque, NM "Jonah"
April 26, Mon. 7pm – My Wonderful Coma, General reading, Sandia Baptist Church, Albuquerque, NM
May 2, Sun. 10am - Concrete Innovative Church, Sydney, Australia - "Jonah"
May 2, Sun. Afternoon - Filming of the Book of James, Earl Street Pictures, Sydney, Australia
May 3 - 4, "The Book of Job" Movie Filming, Sydney, Australia
May 13, Premier of "Suing The Devil", Darryl F. Zanuck Theatre, Fox Studios, 10201 W Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA
May 15, Sat. 6pm - Chapel In The Pines, Idylwilde, CA. "Jonah"
May 15, Sun. 10am - Chapel In The Pines, Idylwilde, CA. "Matthew 23, 24, 25"
May 23, Sun. 10am - First Light Church of Cape Cod, Chatham, MA. "James"
Every time we sit down to do this letter we are amazed at all that the Lord has been doing since the last letter and He just keeps doing more and more it seems. Your prayers and commitment to pray for this ministry means everything and continues to make a HUGE difference in all areas that this ministry touches. We want you to know that we also pray for all of you and your families and your lives. You are our friends and our brothers and sisters in the Lord and your blessings and needs are also our blessings and needs. May the Lord bless you and keep you in His Word, His Wisdom and the Warmth of His Love.
Many Warm Blessings,
Dennis & Wendy Cole
.....News, Events and Stories From Our Journey Through The Narrow Gate That Leads To Life Everlasting.....
Matthew 7:13-14
Enter in through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there are who go in through it. Because narrow is the gate and straight is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. ~ Matthew 7:13-14
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Links to Nicaragua Pictures & Video

Video Link March 24th
Video Link March 25th
Day One, March 23rd Link
Day Two, March 24th Link
Day Three, March 25th Link
Update - April 15, 2010
They came to him and said, "Teacher, we know you are a man of integrity. You aren't swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay or shouldn't we?" "Why are you trying to trap me?" he asked. "Bring me a denarius and let me look at it." They brought the coin, and he asked them, "Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?" "Caesar's," they replied. Then Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's."
Mark 12:14-17
Praise Updates:
1. Services Last Week - Two services in Massachusetts on Sunday went so well! There were many, many salvations and we are always so blessed to be a part of God's great harvest! We have to pinch ourselves every time someone receives the Lord because it is truly a supernatural work of Grace. The Christian movies Dennis brought to distribute are really blessing people and showing a real alternative to the world media. His only problem is that he is running out so fast and also the high bag fees now that make it harder to transport the movies so he can't bring as many (so we're having a lot of them shipped ahead, smart, yes? :)
2. Dennis was able to secure a service at a Christian school yesterday and also a Wednesday night service where there were more salvations and many Christian movies were also distributed.
3. On April 5th we had our first reading of the new Narrow Gate Theatre production of "My Wonderful Coma" and it was so wonderful! We had a really good response and a diverse group and the reading was fun and uplifting and really Christ-honoring. We are looking forward to our next reading soon, the last week of April and after that we will begin casting! We have been in contact with the playwright, Sandy Boikian, who is working on the film of this play and she begins shooting next week so we are praying for her as well.
4. Dennis & Wendy's daughter Stephanie was in a discussion on Facebook with her friends about how to demonstrate our care for the poor and she mentioned that the best way was to not talk about it but to do something like sponsor a World Vision child and somebody she didn't even know was inspired by her comments to sponsor a child and asked her how to do that. She gave him Dennis' cell number and he sponsored a child! Not only that, but he became the 1000th child to be sponsored under Dramatic Christian Ministries! Not only that, but the child he picked just happened to have the same birthday as Dennis!
Prayer Needs For This Week & Next Week:
1. Dennis will be in Westfield, MA. Saturday April 17th again at Word of Grace's prophecy conference presenting "Matthew 23 - 25, The Temple & Olivet Discourse".
2. Sunday, April 18th Dennis will be at Crossway Christian Church in Palmer MA. presenting "The Book of James". Later on that day he will present "Acts I & II" at Full Gospel Assembly in Wethersfield, CT.
3. Continued prayer for the new Narrow Gate Theatre production of "My Wonderful Coma" and for the film also beginning production next week.
4. Please continue to pray for the upcoming trip to Australia - Dennis has two dates for Sunday May 2nd to do presentations while filming the movie "Job". Please thank the Lord for Josh Reid and please also pray for Jason Blaiklock who is producing and directing the movie. Please pray that Dennis will find time to learn his part of the movie "Job" while in MA. and that he will also find another date for a presentation while there and for lodging.
5. The premier screening of the movie Dennis was in, "Suing the Devil", will be on Thurs. May 13th in Los Angeles at the Darryl F. Zanuck Theatre, Fox Studios, 10201 W Pico Boulevard and we plan to be there! This screening will provide much needed feedback to the film makers as they begin their final edits for the January 2011 release of the film.
It has been a few weeks since a letter came out but the best news is that the reason is because we are so busy "about our Father's business". Your prayers are holding us up and keeping our feet firmly on the path He has set before us and, as always, we are so thankful for your faithfulness to pray. May the Lord bless you as you rejoice in His presence giving thanks in all things as we all look toward the day of His coming.
Many Warm Blessings,
Dennis & Wendy Cole
Mark 12:14-17
Praise Updates:
1. Services Last Week - Two services in Massachusetts on Sunday went so well! There were many, many salvations and we are always so blessed to be a part of God's great harvest! We have to pinch ourselves every time someone receives the Lord because it is truly a supernatural work of Grace. The Christian movies Dennis brought to distribute are really blessing people and showing a real alternative to the world media. His only problem is that he is running out so fast and also the high bag fees now that make it harder to transport the movies so he can't bring as many (so we're having a lot of them shipped ahead, smart, yes? :)
2. Dennis was able to secure a service at a Christian school yesterday and also a Wednesday night service where there were more salvations and many Christian movies were also distributed.
3. On April 5th we had our first reading of the new Narrow Gate Theatre production of "My Wonderful Coma" and it was so wonderful! We had a really good response and a diverse group and the reading was fun and uplifting and really Christ-honoring. We are looking forward to our next reading soon, the last week of April and after that we will begin casting! We have been in contact with the playwright, Sandy Boikian, who is working on the film of this play and she begins shooting next week so we are praying for her as well.
4. Dennis & Wendy's daughter Stephanie was in a discussion on Facebook with her friends about how to demonstrate our care for the poor and she mentioned that the best way was to not talk about it but to do something like sponsor a World Vision child and somebody she didn't even know was inspired by her comments to sponsor a child and asked her how to do that. She gave him Dennis' cell number and he sponsored a child! Not only that, but he became the 1000th child to be sponsored under Dramatic Christian Ministries! Not only that, but the child he picked just happened to have the same birthday as Dennis!
Prayer Needs For This Week & Next Week:
1. Dennis will be in Westfield, MA. Saturday April 17th again at Word of Grace's prophecy conference presenting "Matthew 23 - 25, The Temple & Olivet Discourse".
2. Sunday, April 18th Dennis will be at Crossway Christian Church in Palmer MA. presenting "The Book of James". Later on that day he will present "Acts I & II" at Full Gospel Assembly in Wethersfield, CT.
3. Continued prayer for the new Narrow Gate Theatre production of "My Wonderful Coma" and for the film also beginning production next week.
4. Please continue to pray for the upcoming trip to Australia - Dennis has two dates for Sunday May 2nd to do presentations while filming the movie "Job". Please thank the Lord for Josh Reid and please also pray for Jason Blaiklock who is producing and directing the movie. Please pray that Dennis will find time to learn his part of the movie "Job" while in MA. and that he will also find another date for a presentation while there and for lodging.
5. The premier screening of the movie Dennis was in, "Suing the Devil", will be on Thurs. May 13th in Los Angeles at the Darryl F. Zanuck Theatre, Fox Studios, 10201 W Pico Boulevard and we plan to be there! This screening will provide much needed feedback to the film makers as they begin their final edits for the January 2011 release of the film.
It has been a few weeks since a letter came out but the best news is that the reason is because we are so busy "about our Father's business". Your prayers are holding us up and keeping our feet firmly on the path He has set before us and, as always, we are so thankful for your faithfulness to pray. May the Lord bless you as you rejoice in His presence giving thanks in all things as we all look toward the day of His coming.
Many Warm Blessings,
Dennis & Wendy Cole
Friday, April 02, 2010
Update - April 2nd
I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me -- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.
Acts 20:24
Praise Updates:
1. Services Last Week - Two services at Rock Rio in Rio Rancho for Palm Sunday – Wendy and Stephanie sang together and did ministry time singing. This was such a blessing as it has been a long time since they sang together. Dennis presented Matthew 23-26 and the response was fantastic. Several people came for salvation and prayer ministry went on for a long time afterwards. On Thursday, April 1st Dennis was at Sandia Baptist “Bread of Life Ministry” where he presented “Jonah” to a light crowd. This was also a blessing of God’s passion to bring His people to Himself.
2. Last Week in Nicaragua – This was a fantastic trip with World Vision. We got to see first hand how this amazing organization operates on behalf of the children it serves. We can truly testify to the integrity of World Vision. We were also blessed in meeting so many of these little ones whom the Lord has helped through World Vision and the obedience of the sponsors. The World Vision staff in Nicaragua were so knowledgeable and compassionate as well.
3. Upcoming trip to Australia – Dennis has two dates for Sunday May 2nd to do presentations while filming the movie “Job”. Please thank the Lord for Josh Reid and please also pray for Jason Blaiklock who is producing and directing the movie.
Prayer Needs For This Week & Next Week:
1. On April 5th we will be holding our first reading of the new Narrow Gate Theatre production of “My Wonderful Coma”. This will be our first preliminary meeting and we will share vision for the play and the ministry of NGT. It will be held at 7pm at Sandia Baptist on Moon and Constitution.
2. Dennis will travel to Word of Grace Church on Sunday April 11th in Wakefield, MA. Presenting “Acts I & II”. Later in the day he will will be at the Full Gospel Assembly in Wethersfield, CT. presenting “Jonah”.
3. Dennis will be in Wakefield, MA. Saturday April 17th again at Word of Grace’s prophecy conference presenting “Matthew 23 – 25, The Temple & Olivet Discourse”.
4. Sunday, April 18th Dennis will be at Crossway Christian Church in Palmer MA. presenting “The Book of James”. Later on that day he will present “Acts I & II” at Full Gospel Assembly in Wethersfield, CT.
5. Please pray that Dennis will find time to learn his part of the movie “Job” while in MA. and that he will also find another date for a presentation while there and for lodging.
6. The premier screening of the movie Dennis was in, “Suing the Devil”, will be on Thurs. May 13th in Los Angeles at the Darryl F. Zanuck Theatre, Fox Studios, 10201 W Pico Boulevard.
We can’t thank you all enough for your prayers and we are deeply grateful.
Many warm blessings,
Dennis & Wendy Cole
Dramatic Christian Ministries/Narrow Gate Theatre
Acts 20:24
Praise Updates:
1. Services Last Week - Two services at Rock Rio in Rio Rancho for Palm Sunday – Wendy and Stephanie sang together and did ministry time singing. This was such a blessing as it has been a long time since they sang together. Dennis presented Matthew 23-26 and the response was fantastic. Several people came for salvation and prayer ministry went on for a long time afterwards. On Thursday, April 1st Dennis was at Sandia Baptist “Bread of Life Ministry” where he presented “Jonah” to a light crowd. This was also a blessing of God’s passion to bring His people to Himself.
2. Last Week in Nicaragua – This was a fantastic trip with World Vision. We got to see first hand how this amazing organization operates on behalf of the children it serves. We can truly testify to the integrity of World Vision. We were also blessed in meeting so many of these little ones whom the Lord has helped through World Vision and the obedience of the sponsors. The World Vision staff in Nicaragua were so knowledgeable and compassionate as well.
3. Upcoming trip to Australia – Dennis has two dates for Sunday May 2nd to do presentations while filming the movie “Job”. Please thank the Lord for Josh Reid and please also pray for Jason Blaiklock who is producing and directing the movie.
Prayer Needs For This Week & Next Week:
1. On April 5th we will be holding our first reading of the new Narrow Gate Theatre production of “My Wonderful Coma”. This will be our first preliminary meeting and we will share vision for the play and the ministry of NGT. It will be held at 7pm at Sandia Baptist on Moon and Constitution.
2. Dennis will travel to Word of Grace Church on Sunday April 11th in Wakefield, MA. Presenting “Acts I & II”. Later in the day he will will be at the Full Gospel Assembly in Wethersfield, CT. presenting “Jonah”.
3. Dennis will be in Wakefield, MA. Saturday April 17th again at Word of Grace’s prophecy conference presenting “Matthew 23 – 25, The Temple & Olivet Discourse”.
4. Sunday, April 18th Dennis will be at Crossway Christian Church in Palmer MA. presenting “The Book of James”. Later on that day he will present “Acts I & II” at Full Gospel Assembly in Wethersfield, CT.
5. Please pray that Dennis will find time to learn his part of the movie “Job” while in MA. and that he will also find another date for a presentation while there and for lodging.
6. The premier screening of the movie Dennis was in, “Suing the Devil”, will be on Thurs. May 13th in Los Angeles at the Darryl F. Zanuck Theatre, Fox Studios, 10201 W Pico Boulevard.
We can’t thank you all enough for your prayers and we are deeply grateful.
Many warm blessings,
Dennis & Wendy Cole
Dramatic Christian Ministries/Narrow Gate Theatre
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