Matthew 7:13-14

Enter in through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there are who go in through it. Because narrow is the gate and straight is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. ~ Matthew 7:13-14

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Update - March 18th

Praise Updates:

1. Services Last Week - A very fruitful time of ministry in Southern California! Many salvations and re-commitments were noted. Thanks for your prayers. Also, Dennis was able to get a midweek service on Wednesday night. This was really great and we are sure due to your prayers. We usually have our services set up in advance because it isn't easy to get a service on short notice. You are all awesome!

2. The home church meeting of Christian actors was a blessing and Dennis was able to connect in a very meaningful way with people in that industry. Please pray for Richard Rossi, the pastor of that fellowship, he has been ill. Please also pray for blessings on the new film he is producing and directing on the life of Roberto Clemente.

3. Our schedule is being added to each week, again thanks to your prayers but please continue to pray for dates, especially Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday.

4. Dennis' cold improved greatly over the week and is gone now! The Lord sent a new friend to Dennis, Noel Goetz, who was so generous with his home, his time and his fellowship during Dennis' stay in Banning. It is always a blessing getting to meet with new people along the way and is a tremendous encouragement and help to ministry as well as a direct fulfillment of Scripture with God's people share fellowship and hospitality.

This Week & Next Week:

1. You may have heard that World Vision's offices in Pakistan were brutally attacked and 6 people killed and many more injured. World Vision needs our prayers for this and protection around the world so that services to the children won't be hindered. Please pray for the families of these precious people.

2. We are doing a World Vision appeal at Hoffmantown Baptist Connection on Sunday. Currently we have 993 children sponsored over the 5 years we have been working with WV. Pray we'll reach 1000 very soon.

3. March 28th - Rock Rio in Rio Rancho, NM. Dennis will be presenting Matthew 23-25 "The Temple & Olivet Discourse", 8:30 and 10am services.

4. Please continue to pray for the 2010 schedule. We are very close to booking a Resurrection Sunday event. Except for our film shoot in Australia, every Sunday in May is unscheduled at this point.


1. Dennis and Wendy's trip to Nicaragua with World Vision March 22nd - 26th. We are really looking forward to meeting the children of the Area Development Projects there as well as all of the faithful World Vision staff on the field. Wendy is especially excited because she has never been on the field before. We'll be sure to email some pictures.

2. Dennis' flight has been booked for the "The Book of Job" film in Australia, May 3-5, 2010. Dennis has been offered the part of Zophar or Bildad. We are seeking services for Sunday May 2nd in Sydney where the filming will take place. Please ask the Lord's blessing and provision for this film and the finances and for our ministry to Australia.

3. Planning & Vision for Narrow Gate Theatre for the new play, "My Wonderful Coma". Prayer for our city of Albuquerque and its role in this new endeavor. We are really busy but are planning on starting read-throughs and auditions after we return from Nicaragua. Also, Dennis sent in his audition for the upcoming movie production to be filmed in Los Angeles, but we won't know for awhile about that.

4. Please pray for our Advisory Board members and their wives and children - Joe & Kim Crews, Duncan & Andrea Lill, James & Linda Topmiller. Also please pray for special friends of this ministry and our home group leaders, Marty & Leslie Fuentis. These are all exceptional people who have demonstrated a great dedication to the Lord and His ministry. They need prayer covering.

Thanks so very much for your prayers for this ministry. We are grateful for your help in this area and we are seeing incredible results. Lord Bless you! Please write us, we'd LOVE to hear from you!

Many warm blessings,
Dennis & Wendy Cole
Dramatic Christian Ministries/Narrow Gate Theatre

Website -

Friday, March 12, 2010

Update - March 12th

Praise Updates:

1. March 7th at Calvary Chapel, Banning, CA great response to message of Jonah for renewal, revival and salvation! We are really encouraged how the Spirit is moving upon people to desire more of the Lord.

2. Our daughter Stephanie came home this weekend from her 5+ months training in YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and has shown immense growth in the Lord through her experience on the 10 member mobile team she traveled with for almost 3 months. They shared the Lord through music, testimony and a documentary film made by YWAM called Jesus Freaks to many young adults and students throughout the United States. They had many trials and triumphs in their travels and were all brought much closer to the Lord as a result.

This Week & Next Week:

1. Services This Week

Tuesday Night March 9th - Mar. 9th, Tues. 6:30pm - Bethany Bible Church, Banning, CA Romans 9 11

Mar. 14, Sun. 9:15 & 10:45am - Lifepoint Church, Banning, CA. "Jonah"

2. Wednesday night hasn't been filled, pray that the Lord will open other doors for the rest of this week. Dennis will be traveling to L.A. on Thursday for a home church meeting of Christian actors.

3. Please continue to pray for the 2010 schedule. Dates are being added but we still need to schedule new dates for 3/21, and for Passover/Good Friday, Holy Week & Resurrection Sunday 4/4. Scheduling is a very difficult part of our ministry so your prayers are really really appreciated.

4. Dennis has a bad cold he caught this weekend. :(


1. The new film in Australia, May 2010 - The Book of Job - Dennis has been offered the part of Zophar. Please continue prayer for for this film and for and that Dennis would be able to schedule ministry events while in Australia in order to maximize time and resources for the Lord.

2. Continued prayer for Dennis and Wendy's trip to Nicaragua with World Vision and for World Vision for its earthquake operations in Chile and its ongoing work with Haiti.

3. Planning & Vision for Narrow Gate Theatre - new play, "My Wonderful Coma". Prayer for our city of Albuquerque and its role in this new endeavor. We are really busy but are planning on starting read-throughs and auditions after we return from Nicaragua. Also, Dennis sent in his audition for the upcoming movie production to be filmed in Los Angeles.

Thanks so very much for your prayers for this ministry. We are grateful for your help in this area and we are seeing many results because of your faithfulness. Lord Bless you!

Many warm blessings,
Dennis & Wendy Cole

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Update - March 3rd

Praise Updates:
1. March 3/28 date has been filled!

2. Last Weekend:
Grace Baptist in Alamagordo. Many salvations at Grace and all ministry has been very revivalistic in nature.
Olive Tree Messianic in Albuquerque, very blessed to be there and minister and receive Pastor Otero’s teaching.

This Week & Next Week:
1. Services –
Wednesday Night March 3rdh - Olive Tree Messianic Congregation, Albuquerque.
Mar. 7, Sun. 8:30 & 10:30am - Calvary Chapel of the Pass, Banning, CA. "Jonah"
Mar. 14, Sun. 9:15 & 10:45am - Lifepoint Church, Banning, CA. "Jonah"
And Dennis’ extended travel next week.

2. Continued prayer for filling the schedule 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 2010. Still need to schedule new dates for these empty slots - specifically for 3/21, and for Passover/Good Friday, Holy Week & Resurrection Sunday 4/4. Dennis is still looking to schedule these to take place in Albuquerque in order to coincide with our need to leave from Albuquerque for Nicaragua.

3. Stephanie is returning this weekend from her tour with the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) mobile team. Pray for her readjustment to life in Albuquerque and her plans to attend school.

1. New Film, Australia, May 2010 - The Book of Job - Dennis has been offered the part of Zophar. Prayer for finances for film and for Dennis travel expense. Also, pray that Dennis would be able to schedule ministry events while in Australia.

2. Dennis and Wendy's trip to Nicaragua with World Vision and a blessed time with the children in the Area Development projects they will be visiting. World Vision has asked for prayer for our team. World Vision is also asking for prayer for its earthquake operations in Chile and its ongoing work with Haiti. Current children sponsored through our ministry – 986!

3. Planning & Vision for Narrow Gate Theatre - new play, "My Wonderful Coma". Prayer for our city of Albuquerque and its role in this new endeavor. Also, Dennis will be auditioning for the upcoming movie production of this play.

Update - Feb. 24th

Praise Updates:
1. The Rediscovering Jesus event was amazing. It really hit the mark and real personal revival was achieved in the church in Iowa. There were several salvations as well the very first night. Very significant in this series of meetings was the commitment to change direction and to hear God’s voice intimately again. Your prayers made a huge difference to Dennis & Wendy as ministers and to the congregation they were serving. Each presentation built upon the previous one to create a way for the Lord to break down our resistance and give all true renewal so that the final day was truly a time of commissioning and sending out. Dennis and Wendy were amazed and hope to have many more of these types of services. Please pray for the after effect upon this blessed congregation and their pastor.

2. They are glad to be home and getting ready for this weekend. Your prayers for Wendy to get over a cold were VERY effective – It started on Monday and completely disappeared by Wednesday and Dennis didn’t have vertigo the entire week even though it was very cold and snowy throughout the week!

This Week & Next Week:
1. Saturday, Feb. 27th - Olive Tree Messianic Congregation, Albuquerque. Romans 9-11

2. Sunday, Feb. 28th – Grace Baptist Church, Alamogordo, NM – Book of James

3. Continued prayer for filling the schedule 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 2010. Still need to schedule new dates for these empty slots - specifically for 3/21, 3/28 and for Passover/Good Friday, Holy Week & Resurrection Sunday. Dennis is still looking to schedule these to take place in Albuquerque.

1. New Film, Australia, May 2010 - The Book of Job - Dennis has been offered the part of Zophar. Prayer for finances for film and for Dennis travel expense. Also, pray that Dennis would be able to schedule ministry events while in Australia.

2. Dennis and Wendy's trip to Nicaragua with World Vision and a blessed time with the children in the Area Development projects they will be visiting.

Update - Feb - 16th

This Week & Next Week:

1 1. Daily prayer for the "Rediscovering Jesus Conference" Feb. 17-21 - Clarinda, Iowa - 6 days/nights conference. Wendy and Dennis will be presenting using various dramatic presentations, music & ministry. Please pray for revival at this conference!
P Also, please pray for Wendy to get over a bad cold (are there any "good" colds?) as they travel to Iowa. And Dennis' continued health/vertigo.
2. Continued prayer for filling the schedule 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 2010. Still need to schedule new dates for these empty slots - specifically for 3/21, 3/28 and for Passover/Good Friday, Holy Week & Resurrection Sunday. Dennis is looking to schedule these to take place in Albuquerque...Lord willing!
3. World Vision sponsorships have been down this year due to economy. Please pray for a boost in this much needed area of our ministry with World Vision.

Praise Updates:
1. A terrific time for Dennis in Detroit! It was a week of revival with many responding to the gospel! Thank you for your diligent prayer over this.
2. The trailer for the movie Dennis was in called "Suing The Devil" is now out! You can see it at the web site:

Next Week:
1. New Film, Australia, May 2010 - The Book of Job - Dennis has been offered the part of Zophar. Prayer for finances for film and for Dennis travel expense
2. Dennis and Wendy's trip to Nicaragua with World Vision. A blessed, relaxing time and of course, safety!
3. Planning & Vision for Narrow Gate Theatre - new play, "My Wonderful Coma". Prayer for our city of Albuquerque and its role in this new endeavor.

Update - Feb. 11th

This Week & Next Week:
1 1. Continued Prayer for Detroit trip 9 days starting Saturday 2/6 - until Sunday 2/14
a. Christ Community Church, Roseville, MI. Sunday am 2/14- Presenting the Book of James - 2 services in the morning
b. New Hope Christian Church, Sunday pm 2/14 - Presenting Matthew 23, 25 & 25 - Temple & Olivet Discourse
c. Services have been added on Saturday (this is a praise too)
2. "Rediscovering Jesus Conference" Feb. 17-21 - Clarinda, Iowa - 6 days/nights conference. Wendy and Dennis will be presenting using various dramatic presentations, music & ministry.
3. World Vision sponsorships have been down this year due to economy. Please pray for a boost in this much needed area of our ministry with World Vision

Praise Updates:
1. Our prayer list continues to grow since starting it two weeks ago. We are blessed to find so many praying friends of this ministry
2. Narrow Gate Theatre website is getting closer to completion

Next Week:
1. New Film, Australia, May 2010 - The Book of Job - Dennis has been offered the part of Zophar. Prayer for finances for film and for Dennis travel expense
2. Continued prayer for filling the schedule 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 2010
3. Planning & Vision for Narrow Gate Theatre - new play, "My Wonderful Coma". Prayer for our city of Albuquerque and its role in this new endeavor.

Update - Feb 6th

This & Next Weeks:

1. Preparation for Detroit trip 9 days starting Saturday 2/6 - until Sunday 2/14
a. Faith Christian Assembly, Melvindale, MI, Sunday am 2/7 - Presenting the Book of Jonah - 2 services in the morning
b. Broe Rehab Clinic, Detroit, MI. 2/9 & 2/10 for dramatic presentation, prayer and intercession for patients with head injuries.
c. Christ Community Church, Roseville, MI. Sunday am 2/14- Presenting the Book of James - 2 services in the morning
d. New Hope Christian Church, Sunday pm 2/14 - Presenting Matthew 23, 25 & 25 - Temple & Olivet Discourse

Praise Updates:
1. Dennis' vertigo has improved though he and Wendy didn't go to Las Vegas as planned. Wendy made him stay home and fed him chicken soup all weekend. 

Near Future:
1. "Rediscovering Jesus Conference" - Clarinda, Iowa - 6 days/nights conference. Wendy and Dennis will be presenting using various dramatic presentions, music & ministry.
2. New Film, Australia, May 2010 - The Book of Job - Dennis has been offered the part of Zophar.
3. Still need to schedule new dates for these empty slots - specifically for 3/21. 3/18 and for Passover/Good Friday, Holy Week & Resurrection Sunday and into the rest of the year.
4. Continued Planning & Vision for Narrow Gate Theatre - new play, "My Wonderful Coma". Wendy has made a good start on a new website dedicated for Narrow Gate Theatre and it should be ready for launch soon.

Update - Jan 22nd

This Week:

1. Dennis' trip this weekend Travel times: Jan. 23 - 25 - Sunday services at Wethersfield, CT. and Mt. Holyoke, MA. - Both are Christian Assembly churches. Dennis will presenting the "Book of James". Please pray for salvations, recommitments and for World Vision child sponsorships.

Near Future:

1. New Film, Australia, May 2010 - The Book of Job - Dennis has been offered the part of Zophar.

2. Direction & Vision for Narrow Gate Theatre - new play, "My Wonderful Coma".

3. Scheduling new dates for DCM events for Good Friday, Holy Week & Resurrection Sunday and into the rest of the year