Map & Directions for Kingdom Acting Workshop, Sat. Oct. 1st 1pm - 5pm at Trinity at the Marketplace Church, Albuquerque, NM. 2520 Chama St. NE

.....News, Events and Stories From Our Journey Through The Narrow Gate That Leads To Life Everlasting.....
I bring you greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Thank you for your kind e-mail.
We were really touched when we received it. God is so G(O)OD! I think God is linking up His children all over the world so His Body will finally get together and work in Unity. So I don't believe i just happened to come across your address and website and wrote to you. Remember when brothers (and sisters) dwell together in UNITY..... there the Lord COMMANDS His blessing!!! (Ps. 133) I am not sure in which country you are working, but but wherever it is, we are together in prayer and vision. If you get back to me and tell me some more, we will surely pray for you and the ministry God gave you.
We minister in Kenya and Uganda and frequently hold open air crusades that really bring a lot of people to Christ. God opened a door for us here and we are convinced that if we keep on walking (moving on) through the doors He opens, we can be a blessing and get blessed at the same time. Our minisrties here in East Africa have really been a blessing to us, and vice versa we were able to bless many people and see people encouraged, build up and healed!
I believe this is the time that God is going to restore signs, wonders and miracles to His Church, through faithful obedient servants, who are willing to walk in His footsteps! And we are eager to see this happen..... 'I came that you might have joy' Jesus said....... Not worries! So until we get in contact in whatever way: Enjoy where you are, on the way to where you are going! God has a destiny for each and every one of His children, but it is not only the destiny that it is important..... The most inportant thing in life is the journey towards your destiny....
So be encouraged and be blessed to be a blessing!
United in His Love
The Reverends Isaac & Emily Mukwey