Matthew 7:13-14

Enter in through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there are who go in through it. Because narrow is the gate and straight is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. ~ Matthew 7:13-14

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Recognize, React, Rejoice!

Turning Trials into Opportunities , By Playwright Sandy Boikian - Christian Theatre Scripts
Earlier this month I received an urgent prayer request from Dennis and Wendy Cole at Dramatic Christian Ministries in New Mexico. That very night they were scheduled to open "My Wonderful Coma," and the male lead was headed into surgery with a serious kidney stone. If Tom wasn't miraculously healed, opening night would be cancelled.
The news initially shocked and troubled me, but knowing we serve a mighty God, I earnestly joined with them in prayer.
Late that night the update came: opening night had been cancelled. The audience had to be turned away. Some wouldn't be able to make it back to another performance. Even though I was part way across the country, I felt Dennis and Wendy's sorrow and disappointment in a big way.
But as I continued reading the update, I was moved, humbled, and challenged.
"We are very blessed to know that this play is that powerful to be such a threat to the enemy. Though we feel the pain of being hit very hard we know that God is in control. We were able to have great prayer and fellowship tonight with the cast and crew and we are closer and more cohesive than ever and for that we give praise, honor, glory and thanks to Jesus. He is so very awesome. More than ever we are aware of what a great God we serve and how He is ever faithful in all things."
Instead of jumping to the conclusion that they were out of God's will, Dennis and Wendy recognized the enemy.
Instead of shaking fists or whining "Why, God?" they reacted by seeing the temporary disappointment as an opportunity to grow, never doubting God's faithfulness.
Instead of scattering or surrendering to defeat, they gathered to pray and rejoice.
They didn't wait for the wrap party to celebrate. In the middle of the battlefield they knew the victory had already been won, even though it hadn't happened in "real time" yet.
Opening night came in God's perfect time: one day late. This was their report:
"It was a huge success with a packed house. What a miracle! Everybody LOVED IT! Tom was completely pain free, and the entire cast delivered great performances.... (It was) made even sweeter because of what happened the day before."
I now have a post-it note on my monitor to remind me of these three steps when "opportunities" arise: Recognize, React, Rejoice!

Friday, November 12, 2010


We couldn’t wait to share with you the good news and how God is so very great in all things. Our opening night was huge success! We had a packed house and our wonderful cast and crew were ready and delivered a great performance! Tom is completely pain free and did great! We can’t even begin to describe the amazing thrill of the debut of the Narrow Gate Theater, made even sweeter because of what happened on Thursday. The play is funny and sad and profound and spiritual. It has so many wonderful dimensions to it and we are so glad that it was our first pick. Every scene is packed full of meaning and joy.
We enjoyed great attendance through the weekend, even the un-advertised Sunday matinee! Everybody continued to enjoy the play and didn't hesitate to tell us of their delight. We were praised, hugged and encouraged by all. Our only regret is that its over. We do hope to mount this production again as we have all worked so hard. Without giving ourselves too much credit, we know whoever sees it will really enjoy it.
You can see photos at our Picasa Web Album Enjoy!

Suing the Devil Gets 5 Doves from Dove Foundation

Dove "Family-Approved" Seal for Ages 12+Quality Rating: 1-5 Doves
Dove Family-Approved
Recommended for
ages 12 and over

Luke O'Brien, a washed -up salesman turned night law student, decides to sue Satan for 8 trillion dollars. On the last day before Luke files a default judgment, Satan appears to defend himself. On Satan's legal team are 10 of the country's best trail lawyers. The entire world watches on Legal TV to see who will win the Trial of the Century.

Dove Worldview:
What a terrific film! Malcolm McDowell turns in a compelling performance as the devil himself, and he brings all the tricks and accusations he can to the trial in which he finds himself and his lawyers defending his past and evil ways.
Bart Bronson also does a commendable job as Luke O'Brien, the salesman who is a lawyer by night and who files a default judgment against Satan as he is tired of his scheming ways and the pain he has inflicted on people over the centuries. This film is based in scripture and many verses are quoted and the special effects are nicely handled as they reveal that Satan is a being from below. O'Brien's plan to expose Satan is in keeping with the Bible which urges believers to be aware of the subtle deceptions of the enemy. We find in this film that Satan still can't stand to have scripture quoted at him! Satan states in the movie that the Bible is fiction but he sure squirms when it is used against him. He makes comments like "Evil is good' but O'Brien, despite Satan's accusations, holds his own against him when he relies on scripture, a lesson to all believers. This film was made with good intentions and writer and director Tim Chey hits a homerun with this story, his direction and with this film. We highly recommend this film for ages twelve plus and for mature kids under twelve. This is a movie which offers hope and inspiration. Every Christian should see it as should anyone who has ever faced the storms of life, which covers everyone. We award this film five Doves, our highest rating.

Friday, November 05, 2010

My Wonderful Coma Update

We are good to go tonight and through the weekend. Tom is doing very well and is better than ever and totally pain free. Thanks for all the prayers!

We have added a Sunday Matinee to make up for Thursday night. It will be at 2:30 PM and the doors will open at 1:30 PM

We hope to see everybody there who can make it!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Update - Nov. 4th

We had to cancel our opening night of “My Wonderful Coma”. Tom Caffery, our male lead, had a severe attack of kidney stones and had surgery tonightHis doctors are very optimistic that he will be well enough for tomorrow night and the rest of the weekend. Please pray for Tom and the rest of the cast and crew. We were so grieved to have to turn people away tonight. Many said they would come back but there were several who wouldn’t be able to. Of particular concern to us is a group of young people who were to come tonight. Please pray that they will be able to come this weekend. We are very blessed to know that this play is that powerful to be such a threat to the enemy. Though we feel the pain of being hit very hard we know that God is in control. We were able to have great prayer and fellowship tonight with the cast and crew and we are closer and more cohesive than ever and for that we give praise, honor, glory and thanks to Jesus. He is so very awesome.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. We had a wonderful dress rehearsal last night and our only regret is that you all can’t come to this wonderful play. More than ever we are aware of what a great God we serve and how He is ever faithful in all things. We are glad to be a kind of first fruits in the deep message of this play as we continue to awaken from spiritual slumber and help others as well.

Visit our website at for more information on "My Wonderful Coma".

Many Blessings & Much Love,
Dennis & Wendy

Update - Oct. 30th

"Awake, O sleeper,
and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”
Ephesians 5:14.

The above scripture is especially meaningful because it is the theme of our upcoming production of “MY WONDERFUL COMA”. We all need to awaken to a new day and a better life but we can only do this with the help of God and Christ living in us. Please join us in prayer during the final phase of production. The play opens this Thursday, Nov. 4th AND It is the debut of the Narrow Gate Theater Company her in Albuquerque. Pray not only for the success of this production but especially for lives to be touched and hearts revealed & healed. We couldn’t have gone this far without you, it has truly been an exercise in faith and trust. We pray for you that you also will be awakened to the deeper things of the Lord as He leads you on the upward path.

October Services & Events – October has been so busy and full with the play rehearsal schedule and all that goes into a live theatrical production. Dennis has been doing a lot of radio and television interviews to promote the play and it has really blessed us to receive such a great benefit from the Christian media here in Albuquerque. Please pray for your Christian media stations, they work very hard for their communities they serve. Our services this month have taken us to Detroit, MI. , La Quinta, CA as well as locally, Tijeras and Silver City, NM. We are always amazed at God’s great economy in the way He moves us around to be right where we need to be. We’ve seen such blessings in people receiving the Lord for and others recommitting their lives to God. This ministry never gets old!

The Screening of Suing the Devil in Albuquerque was a really great time. Many people came as well as many media. Feedback on the movie was VERY positive. You can see video of the event at and click on Podcasts.

If you haven’t yet visited, please do it now, and let us know what you think. While you are there, click on the Facebook Like link to be a friend to DCM-NGT!

Prayer Needs For This Week & Next Week

“My Wonderful Coma” Opening of Nov. 4, 5, 6 & 7. –We are entering the final week to opening . Our performance space is coming together with set and props and costumes as well as lighting and sound. Please pray for all cast members and this production. It’s been great fun so far as well as a wonderful time of learning. Don’t forget to visit our website at to read more about the play and download a flyer ! If you are local, we hope and pray that you can come!

Our Schedule –Please continue your prayers for each event and for more events in Australia in December, it’s really coming together!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Oct 13: Interview with
Son Broadcasting
AM 730 KDAZ Albuquerque
8:3- & 11:30

OCT 14: 7:15 am
Interview with
Family Life Radio
91.5 AM

Oct. 14, Thurs.10am
New Beginnings
Church of God
Montgomery &

Friday, October 08, 2010

Update - October 8, 2010

True evangelism is more of a threat to Satan’s kingdom than healings or being raised from the dead. We say TRUE evangelism in the sense of reaching believers and non-believers with the same message. The Scripture “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” is a healthy fear that wakes people up and keeps us awake. It is a shout from God that pierces the defense mechanisms of the hearers. The spirit of the anti-christ in the world today is dulling ears and blinding eyes and is causing hearts to harden. Many who go to church are unsure of their salvation and lack conviction and passion as a result. The good news is, everybody is reachable, even in the great resistance that is out there. Please pray with and for us that we ourselves will remain soft to God’s Word and ways so that many will be saved and sanctified.

Services Last Two Weeks – Our last 4 weekends – we were in Albuquerque NM, El Paso Texas, Topeka IN, and Tijeras NM. The first 3 were marked with evangelism, altar calls and the clarity of God’s presence in our lives. We thank God for His mercy. Last weekend in Tijeras was “Sodom & Gomorrah” written by Dennis and performed with Dennis and Wendy playing Lot and his wife with cast members from the congregation. This was children’s theater done as a special event for their Sunday school and workers and was tremendous fun as well as a great teaching for the kids, and adults. We hope to do more of this type of theater and write more scripts like this.

Praise: NEW WEBSITE MAKEOVER! Please visit and let us know what you think!

Prayer Needs For This Week & Next Week

“My Wonderful Coma” Opening of Nov. 4, 5, 6 & 7. –We are entering “crunch time” in rehearsals leading up the opening We are moving tomorrow into our performance space where the rest of the rehearsals will take place. Please pray for all cast members and this production. It’s been great fun so far as well as a wonderful time of learning. We really like this play. Please visit our website at to read more about the play and download a flyer!

Screening of “Suing the Devil” – 10am Thurs. Oct. 14th - Albuquerque, NM – New Beginnings Church of God, Carlisle & Montgomery. If you can get there, you are invited! This is a screening to help promote the movie into theaters here in Albuquerque.

Our Schedule
- Please pray for each event and for more events in Australia in December.

"Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart." ~ quotations on Happiness by Zig Ziglar

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Update - July 21, 2010

It has been nearly about 3 weeks since our last letter. A lot happens in 3 weeks, even in 1 week. Dennis has been to the mid-west where he drove and additional 1500 in 9 days miles after flying there. Another quick trip to Massachusetts the next weekend. Last weekend he drove to Palm Springs, and it was very hot! Like the verse above, Jesus is very close. We can see it in the decline of our culture but also the close fellowship He is offering to all who open the door to Him. We see that He is closer to our hearts in these days because He is right at the door. The next time somebody knocks on your door or the phone rings, remember that Jesus is that close. Our hope, our prayer and our ministry is that hearts will open at His knock.


Recent Service Praises – More salvations than usual! Many older people have come for salvation. We did 2 “20 Something” meetings in Massachusetts and in Albuquerque; the response was great – some salvations, lots of good prayer and a lot of World Vision children were sponsored.

“My Wonderful Coma” – We are seeking a space but we have a real potential place for the play to be done. It looks like we will be presenting the play the last weekend in October – A Halloween alternative!  This is praise and a prayer request.

Suing The Devil is having its Australia premier on August 4th, praise the Lord for this and pray for a good response.

Prayer Needs For This Week & Next Week

The God of Hope Project – There is a great need for prayer here. We have an enemy who seeks to destroy God’s work and God’s people. Without going into detail, please pray.

The Job Movie – Has been delayed indefinitely. There is a critical funding need and a personal need for the people involved to continue with the project in faith.

Dennis is still scheduled to return to Australia in December in spite of the movie delay. He is actively seeking services all around the country. He will be there for 14 days and we are seeing this as a Divine Appointment in the making. We are hearing in our spirts that Australia is ripe for revivial and is seeking our participation in this.

Please pray for our schedule for July and August

Yes, its very hot all over - But the best way to beat the heat is to bask in the Sun of Righteousness!

Dennis & Wendy

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Update - June 26, 2010


Services Last Week – at Destiny Church, Roswell, NM (Father’s Day) & Olive Tree Messianic, Albuquerque, NM – were a very meaningful. Dennis hadn’t presented John 14 – 16 in a long time and was personally blessed as he experienced God’s Word and warmth from the text. On Wed. 6/23 he presented Romans 9-11 at Olive Tree. Paul’s words of personal testimony were really received by His people and there was much prayer and ministry.

“My Wonderful Coma” Thursday Rehearsal - Continues to be a blessing to all of us. It is so much fun to get together and play! The actors tried going off the book this week and they were really amazing. We continue to gain insights into our own walk and lives as we work together and are forming lasting bonds of friendship and shared ministry.

The NM Church of the Nazarene Conference was held this year at Heights Church of the Nazarene here in Albuquerque last week. Dennis was invited to present the Book of James on Friday and also shared his ministry through his table during three days of the conference. It was great to meet so many dedicated pastors from around the state. The National superintendant was very complimentary in his address as he referenced the James presentation many times.

Suing The Devil had its Hawaii premier last week and the response war really great. This movie is really blessing people already!
Click to see the video

Prayer Needs For This Week & Next Week

1. Dennis left for Detroit this morning. He has a REALLY full schedule with a ton of driving along with flying. “The God of Hope” audio portion will be recorded on Tuesday and Wednesday. The schedule shows his travels this week – It’s a lot!

5. The God of Hope Project continues to go forward and is being solidified. The audio portion will be recorded June 29 – 30th. The filming is set for Sept. 22 – 24. All in Ft. Wayne, IN

3. Our dear friend, Judy Otis passed away this week. Please pray for her husband David, their family and congregation. Also, our friend James Topmiller, Linda’s husband, lost his brother this week to a very sudden illness. The Topmillers were 6 hours from boarding a flight to Israel in New York when they had to rush home to say goodbye. Please pray for the family. Wendy’s dad had a stroke and is in the hospital undergoing therapy. His speech is severely affected but the prognosis looks good.

Dennis left this morning after a really busy week of services and impromptu meetings. It was a real challenge getting things together for this trip. The Lord is very active and has lots for everybody to do. Our biggest challenge is to not fall asleep but to keep awake and aware so that we can be available for what God wants each day. Our prayer is that we will remember to watch and pray. There are many needs all around us and many challenges. Let’s call on Him at all times. May the Lord bless you all this week every hour and every minute.
Warmest Blessings, Wendy & Dennis

Update - June 19, 2010

Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? - 1 Corinthians 3:16


Services Last Week – Men’s Conference, Crestview Baptist, Albuquerque – Friday night was a night of fantastic worship music. On Saturday Dennis was one of 4 speakers at the conference. 3 men came for salvation. Dennis presented Sermon on the Mount and it was very well received.

Restoration Ministries, Albuquerque – On Sunday the 13th Dennis presented Jonah. It was a wonderful response as both very young and very old came for prayer and salvation. The children really touched everyone’s heart with their sincere desire to receive Jesus. On a sad note, Pastor’s Marci & Dinah Baca’s son Paul passed away last Friday night. We were so glad to be there to mourn with this blessed family. The service will be broadcast on NM Son Broadcasting, Channel 11 at 9:30 on Saturday night and 7:30am Sunday morning

“My Wonderful Coma” – We have the entire cast set for the play and are at work in weekly rehearsals. So far its been great!

Prayer Needs For This Week & Next Week

1. Dennis is traveling to Roswell, Destiny Church, this weekend. Please pray for their new pastor Dr. Scott.

2. Narrow Gate Theatre production of "My Wonderful Coma" Please pray for the cast and production. Rehearsal is next Thursday night.
3. Jason Blaiklock, the director for the Job movie he and Dennis are working on, has just begun pasturing a church! The shooting for the movie has been set for Dec. 6 – 8 in Sydney, Australia. Please pray for all of this as well as church dates in Australia for Dennis while he is there.

4. Suing The Devil is having its Hawaii premier tonight. Pray for a great turnout and response.

5. The God of Hope Project continues to go forward and is being solidified. The audio portion will be recorded June 29 – 30th. The filming is set for Sept. 22 – 24. All in Ft. Wayne, IN

6. Wednesday at Olive Tree Messianic, Albuquerque Dennis will present Romans 9 11 – God’s Grace & Israel’s Place

The Bible says “This one thing I do, forgetting the past and going forward into the upward call of God.” Phil. 4:13. Acting skill requires the ability to be specific. In a very similar way, Bible application and the work of the Holy Spirit in a person is to be focused. That is what Jesus means when He says to enter in through the narrow gate. We have a glorious limitation of choice. As we face the difficulty of our times with Jesus as our focus it is easier to make the choice to enter in through the narrow gate. We pray that Jesus will be with you and you with Him as we continue the journey this week.
Warmest Blessings, Dennis & Wendy

Friday, June 11, 2010

Update - June 11, 2010

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. — Psalm 46:10

Praise Updates:

Services Last Week – In Oneida Full Gospel Assembly, NY – Dennis did a Friday night service where 5 people came forward for salvation and many came for prayer. On Saturday morning for their Men’s Fellowship he did an Acting One workshop. Their pastor, George, described it this way, “We began the workshop with our own opinions but after doing the drills, hearing God’s voice, spoken through our brothers, we ended with personal revelation.” In Acts 2:11 it says “they heard one another declare the wonderful things of God.” God was breaking barriers so we could really hear from God through one another. We ended up with a greater appreciation and love for each other and a renewed passion for God.

On Sunday morning, Dennis visited Faith Gospel Tabernacle Church, Liverpool, NY and presented the Book of James. This tiny congregation of 12 received the message, and Dennis, so beautifully. The Lord shows how He can bless both big and small, rich and poor. James, as always, is a wonderful teacher. Three people out of the 12 came forward for salvation. What a blessing! Pastor George of Oneida and Pastor Bob of Faith Tabernacle were so gracious.

“My Wonderful Coma” – Our first actual rehearsal was last night and the Lord was so good to all of us. The time together was delightful fellowship with God and one another as we explored our characters. It truly is “play” time!

Prayer Needs For This Week & Next Week

1. Narrow Gate Theatre production of "My Wonderful Coma" Please pray for the cast and production.

2. We will be in Albuquerque this weekend. Please pray for the Men’s Fellowship at Crestview Baptist that Dennis will be speaking at. The conference begins tonight. Tomorrow he will present Sermon on the Mount there at 1pm.

3. Sunday morning we will be at Restoration Ministries presenting “Jonah”

4. The God of Hope Project needs prayer for all the decisions regarding production. Our producer, David Illingworth, has a great vision to reach 10% of the world with this production.

5. Book of Job Project - Dennis and Jason Blaikock are in planning and prayer during their weekly Skype calls. Dennis is planning to fly to Australia in early December. Please pray also for Keith Brandt whom Dennis recently cast as Bildad. Dennis is helping with the casting and is assisting Jason with the production and direction.

From us to you … A timely word

2000 years ago, Jesus said “Behold, I stand at the door and knock”. Today, we hear the sound of His knock louder and clearer than ever. He is so close and through prayer and listening we can hear His voice and , due to His closeness, we can have the greatest satisfaction we’ve ever had as we pray. It has never been more important than now to pray with right motives. Our prayers are with you and our thanks are to you and for you.

Warmest Blessings, Dennis & Wendy

Our Schedule

Below is the schedule for June – Click to view out full schedule.

Friday, June 11
_ 7:00pm - 8:00pm Men's Fellowship "Sermon On The Mount"
Crestview Baptist Church, Albuquerque, NM
Saturday, June 12
_ 9:00am - 4:00pm Men's Fellowship "Book of James"
Crestview Baptist Church, Albuquerque, NM
Sunday, June 13
_ 10:00am - 12:30pm “Jonah
Restoration Ministries Church, Albuquerque, NM
Thursday, June 17
_ 7:00pm - 9:00pm Wonderful Coma Rehearsal
First Christian Church, Albuquerque, NM
Wednesday, June 23
_ 10:00am - 11:00am "Romans 9-11"
Olive Tree Messianic, Albuquerque, NM
Thursday, June 24
_ 7:00pm - 9:00pm Wonderful Coma Rehearsal
Sandia Baptist Church - 9429 Constitution Avenue NE, Albuquerque, NM
Sunday, June 27
_ 10:00am - 12:00pm "Jonah"
New Life Covenant Church, Mishawaka, IN
Tuesday, June 29
_ all day God of Hope Project, - Moses
Sweetwater in Ft. Wayne , Indiana
Wednesday, June 30
_ all day God of Hope Project, - Moses
Sweetwater in Ft. Wayne , Indiana
_ 7:00pm - 9:00pm VBS Meeting
Trinity Lutheran Church, Detroit, MI

Friday, May 28, 2010

Update - May 28, 2010

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. - James 5:16

Subject: Dramatic Christian Ministries/Narrow Gate Theatre Weekly Prayer Letter - 05-28-2010

Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. - Psalm 103:1

Praise Updates:

1. Services Last Week - First Light Church, Cape Cod, MA – This was very special and a personal blessing to Dennis to be with our dear friends David and Judy Otis, pastors of First Light. Sometimes the praise is a personal victory and First Light ministry is that and more to us. God speaks in a still small voice and quiets us so we can hear Him. Judy has never been better spiritually. She is the most giving person and her trial shows all her great hope in Jesus. She is truly lighting the path to the Kingdom of God through her patience and kindness and humble endurance. Please continue to pray for her healing of cancer and for David.

2. Radio Interview UCB Syndicate in Australia – Over 450 stations on the United Christian Broadcasters will receive the interview with Dennis held over the phone this week. It will be broadcast Wednesday 7am, Australia. The interview is about what it means to internalize God’s Word to play out in the hearts and lives of people. Please pray that this reaches people. We are planning another trip to Australia in December for the final shoot of “Job” and we hope to find churches to visit while there. This interview may help with that.

Prayer Needs For This Week & Next Week:

1. Narrow Gate Theatre production of "My Wonderful Coma" , Rehearsals will begin in June. Please pray for the cast and production.

2. Dennis is leaving Thursday June 3rd for Syracuse, N.Y. for 3 weekend services there.

3. Continued prayer is needed for the upcoming The God of Hope Project in September in Ft. Wayne, IN. Dennis will be playing the part of Moses. Prayer warriors are needed for this. If you go to the website you can sign up!

REMEMBERANCE: Moishe Rosen – Founder of the Jews for Jesus. Became a believer on Shavot in 1953 and left this world on Shavot (Pentecost) to join Jesus in Heaven. Dennis had the pleasure and honor of meeting Mr. Rosen and having lunch with him when Dennis was ministry coordinator for Rock of Israel (an organization similar to Jews For Jesus) in 2001. We praise God for the incredible work and life of this wonderful saint. Here is a link on our blog to his letter he wrote to be read after his passing . You will be so blessed to read this and so encouraged in your walk to contend earnestly for the faith you have received.

Our Schedule:

Below is the schedule for June – Click to view out full schedule.

This weekend – No services due to cancellation – Happy Memorial Day! Please pray for our Veteran’s, their families and our troops.

June 4th, Fri. 7pm - Oneida Full Gospel Assembly, Oneida, NY. "Sermon On The Mount"

June 6th, Sun. 10am & 6pm - Faith Gospel Tabernacle Church,
Liverpool, NY. "Sermon On The Mount

June 6th, Sun. 20pm – Nursing Home, Liverpool, NY., “Acts I & II”

June 11, Fri. 7pm - Crestview Baptist Church Men's Fellowship,
Albuquerque, NM "Sermon On The Mount"

June 12, Sat. 9 - 4pm - Crestview Baptist Church Men's Fellowship, Albuquerque, NM "Book of James"

June 13, Sun. 10am – Restoration Ministries Church, Albuquerque, NM, “Jonah” (please pray for Pastor Dinah & Pastor Marci Baca’s health)

June 19, Sat. 10am - Olive Tree Messianic - Albuquerque, NM "Sermon On The Mount"

June 27, Sun. 10am – New Covenant Life – Mishawaka, IN. “Jonah”

June 29 - 30 - God of Hope Project, Winona Lake, Indiana - Moses

June 30 - July 3rd - IFCA Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

A couple of weeks ago, Dennis presented “Matthew 23 - 25” at Chapel in the Pines, Idyllwild, CA. He was very affected by Jesus’ words “I was a stranger, and you invited me in/did not invite me in.” In that moment, he felt a real identification with Jesus’ loneliness. Think of this the next time you are lonely, consider connecting with Jesus. You need Him, and He needs you. You may feel that God doesn’t need anybody but He does and that’s why He made you.

Shabbat Shalom, everyone. Enter into His Sabbath rest, and enjoy Him.

Many Warm Blessings,

Dennis & Wendy Cole

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Update - May 21, 2010

Shabbat Shalom Friends! As we celebrate the Feast of Weeks-Shavot-Pentecost – may the Holy Spirit who has guided believers from ancient times be renewed in your heart, mind, soul and spirit. And may you be blessed by His presence now and forever more! Pray for those who have yet to believe but will because of the ministry He is doing today through His people!

Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. - Psalm 103:1

Praise Updates:

1. Services Last Week - Chapel in the Pines, Idylwild, CA - “Celebrate Recovery” service on Saturday night and Sunday morning service – salvations, lots of prayer for people and people were amazed at how the Lord really does speak through the Scriptures. Dennis is also being blessed through the “doing” of the Scriptures; they become more real to him and personal.

2. Premier of “Suing The Devil” – The movie was GREAT, you are going to love it! Comes out Jan. 2011. It was so much fun to see everybody who could make it. Malcolm McDowell was a great devil (not that the devil is great), he understood that Satan comes as an angel of light and was both charming and scary and kind of crazy too, J . The whole cast did a terrific job. Dennis’ character was described by a fan as a “twisted lawyer character” – she was surprised that Dennis was a nice guy, J. Pictures of Dennis and Wendy are on Google (click) There is also an interesting interview given by Tim and Malcolm regarding his character and Shannon Fields on her character. (Click). And lastly, here is a clip of reaction to the film (you may see someone you know J) . You can also follow the film on Facebook.

Prayer Needs For This Week & Next Week:

1. Narrow Gate Theatre production of "My Wonderful Coma" , our next reading/rehersal on Wed. May 26th at 7pm, Sandia Baptist Church. We almost have are full cast!

2. Radio interview of Dennis with Christian radio syndicate in Australia next week. Not sure of the date, sorry. We’ll be sure to post a link to the clip when its done.

3. Continued prayer is needed for the upcoming The God of Hope Project in September in Ft. Wayne, IN. Dennis will be playing the part of Moses. Prayer warriors are needed for this. If you go to the website you can sign up!

4. Dennis leaving Sat. 5/22 for New England to do 2 services at First Light Church on Cape Cod. Please continue to pray for Pastor David’s wife, Judy whom Dennis will see this weekend at First Light.

REMEMBERANCE: Moishe Rosen – Founder of the Jews for Jesus. Became a believer on Shavot in 1953 and left this world on Shavot (Pentecost) to join Jesus in Heaven. Dennis had the pleasure and honor of meeting Mr. Rosen and having lunch with him when Dennis was ministry coordinator for Rock of Israel (an organization similar to Jews For Jesus) in 2001. We praise God for the incredible work and life of this wonderful saint. Here is a link on our blog to his letter he wrote to be read after his passing . You will be so blessed to read this and so encouraged in your walk to contend earnestly for the faith you have received.

Our Schedule:

Below is the schedule for the rest of May and June – Please help soak all of these events in prayer, Click to view out full schedule. Please pray also the Lord will fill in a few Sundays in June, we want to be busy about His business as much as possible.

May 23, Sun. 10am - First Light Church of Cape Cod, Chatham, MA. "James"

May 23, Sun. 10am - First Light Church of Cape Cod, Chatham, MA. "Acts I & II" (The day of Pentecost on Pentecost Sunday!)

May 30, Sun. 10am – Restoration Ministries Church, Albuquerque, NM, “Jonah” (please pray for Pastor Dinah & Pastor Marci Baca’s health)

June 4th, Fri. 7pm - Oneida Full Gospel Assembly, Oneida, NY. "Sermon On The Mount"

June 6th, Sun. 10am & 6pm - Faith Gospel Tabernacle Church,
Liverpool, NY. "Sermon On The Mount

June 11, Fri. 7pm - Crestview Baptist Church Men's Fellowship,
Albuquerque, NM "Sermon On The Mount"

June 12, Sat. 9 - 4pm - Crestview Baptist Church Men's Fellowship, Albuquerque, NM "Book of James"

June 19, Sat. 10am - Olive Tree Messianic - Albuquerque, NM "Sermon On The Mount"

June 27, Sun. 10am – New Covenant Life – Mishawaka, IN. “Jonah”

June 29 - 30 - God of Hope Project, Winona Lake, Indiana - Moses

June 30 - July 3rd - IFCA Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

Prayer, in these days, is more important then ever. We are all finding that it is the greatest and most effective weapon we have and as we grab on to this weapon we find the true peace, the Shalom, that passes all human understanding. The Lord has released us from the natural way of fighting. “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord of Hosts.” The Lord is answering our prayers faster because His coming is very near. He is so close that the next time you hear a knock on your door, it may be Him.

Many Warm Blessings,

Dennis & Wendy Cole