Why do we care what others say who don't believe what we believe? How can we even expect them to understand? Why should we be shocked that they don't understand? I think it is great that John Hagee gets to explain what he means when he said something 10 or 20 years ago. But the point is - the world is getting pretty touchy. But we shouldn't. I see a lot of folks in a perpetually bad mood and expecting everybody else to just fall into line and join them there.
We are to be salt and light. What does that mean? It means, bend a little, even a lot. Smile, Jesus loves you. Be open handed and friendly. Be very slow to take offense, if at all. Our daughter is in Master's Commission and is learning a lot about being humble and serving. I pray that she is also learning to be friendly and that her mentors are modeling love and friendliness because these two things are the hallmark of true humility. We get caught up in all the issues of our times and we don't want to make mistakes in our walk. But we need to remember that LOVE COVERS A MULTITUDE OF SINS. And love is patient, love is kind, it isn't puffed up, it forgives a wrong and it never fails.
So if you are looking at others through a microscope and second-guessing their motives and words. Stop it. There's way too much GOTCHA! going on the world. What the world needs is love, sweet love. And that Love is Jesus who died for each and every one of us while we were yet still sinners.Blessings to all, Dennis & Wendy