Matthew 7:13-14

Enter in through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there are who go in through it. Because narrow is the gate and straight is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. ~ Matthew 7:13-14

Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Winter 2002

December & Holiday Events December started out with a major trip to the Southwestern U.S. where Dennis visited several churches in N.M and TX. He was gone for a full two weeks and we missed him here at home. But God sustained us and him and the trip was fruitful and wonderful. He was able to share the Sermon on the Mount at several churches. He can't stop talking about sharing SOM with Christian school students in Albequrque and Santa Fe. If you have the time you might want to download and read the comments from the students We scanned them and put them into a PDF file on the Comments page. These are all really precious and blessed us with real spiritual insight from these sincere Christian young people. God's people in the Southwest are friendly and shining examples of the love of Jesus. We had three other dates after the holidays locally, each one a total blessing for all of us. These 3 each presented the Last Supper Shalom with the full Drama Center cast. It was great for all of us to get together again for rehersal and sharing. We got to spend New Year's Eve together with Christian Embassy in Niles, MI. where we presented LSS prior to ringing in the new year. We want to extend a prayer and love to all of you for 2003. We know that God is with us and all of His bride. He is our comfort and strength in these troubling times. Dennis shared on New Year's Eve that we should realize that all problems are spiritual and therefore all solutions are spiritual and to be found in the person of our loving Savior, Comforter and Deliverer, Jesus Christ. We need not even try to apply any solution that is apart from Christ because apart from Christ, we can do nothing. God bless you all!

Iowa, Cleveland and Southwest
Dennis and Wendy Campbell traveled to Iowa where Wendy's son Robert and daughter in law Betty pastor in Red Oak. Robert helped DCM in arranging 3 other church meetings. They were also interviewed on the radio - KCSI-KOAK in Red Oak. This was a really good interview which we will try to get uploaded so you can listen to it. There were many many salvations with the Awanas and re-dedications. It was a blessing to Wendy and Stephanie when Dennis got back and to H when Wendy Campbell got back. Just in time for Thanksgiving. On the Saturday following thanksgiving, Dennis, Wendy, Stephanie and Wendy Campell all packed up again and headed out in a snowstorm for Cleveland. We met that night for more than 4 hours to reherse with the Scranton Rd. Baptist Church for the Last Supper Shalom. The local cast was fantastic and we were all blessed by our hostess, Susan who is also a gifted cook. We left about 4pm Sunday, just ahead of a major snowstorm in Cleveland and got home all safe and sound. Dennis headed out the following Tuesday for the Southwest. He missed his plane but the Lord was gracious and he got on another with no trouble. We will miss him, please pray over our schedule and especially for Dennis.