Oct. 26 through Nov. 10
We all got back Tuesday and didn't suffer too much jet lag because we got up so early Tuesday morning to fly back from Los Angeles. Dennis was away for a total of 3 weeks, Wendy and Stephie joined him the last week. Altogether, DCM completed 11 services. It would have been 12 but Banning Baptist combined their two morning services into one - which was great because it was really full. We had a great time inter-acting with all of the people on our trip. The Global Missions conference at APU went really well. Dennis got to do a presentation for a class and then teach afterward about the finer points of dramatic Bible demonstration. The students were very receptive to both the presentation and the teaching. Because of the feedback we've received we are pondering producing a college curriculum. Please pray about this. We were blessed to be able to visit with Dennis' mother and father in California. They are wonderfully supportive parents as well as Christians. Over all, the west coast trip was incredibly successful in terms of reaching people and seeing God work. We will continue to pursue an ardent and focused vision for DCM as long as God continues to lead as He has. Bless you all!"